
The following Video contains the benediction on the 16th of February 2022. 

Transcript of the benediction

English Subtitles are included in the Video

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Sign of the cross

In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit. Thus says the Lord: Come to me, all you who labor and groan under burdens. I will give you rest. 

Reception by priest Roos

We come together for the benediction and so many have come, and I think it is good, especially since we do not yet know when the funeral will be in the cemetery forest, that we already say goodbye here at the coffin. Death, especially when it comes so suddenly and unexpectedly, leaves us stunned. We don’t know what to do. But as Paul says, we do not mourn like those who do not believe in God, who do not believe that there is something more, but we mourn as Christians in the hope of eternal life.

The deceased are with God. The deceased are safe in his hand, and we will all go this way one day. Out of this faith we want to think of the deceased with confidence and let ourselves be comforted by the faith in the resurrection.

Kyrie Call

Lord Jesus Christ you have shown us the way to the Father. Lord, have mercy.

Mourners: Lord, have mercy.

You gave life to the world through your death. Christ, have mercy.

Mourners: Christ, have mercy.

You have prepared a home for us in your father’s house. Lord, have mercy.

Mourners: Lord, have mercy.

Lord of life and death, you have called our sister Rosalie from our parish to yourself. Meet her full of love and take all guilt from her. Give her the peace that the world cannot give. To the communion of saints give her resurrection and life through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Mourners: Amen.


We hear a reading from the Gospel of John

John 11:21-27 Martha said to Jesus, „Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever you ask of God, God will give you. Jesus said to her, your brother will rise again. Martha answered him, I know that he will rise again at the resurrection on the last day. Jesus said to her: I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in me will not die for eternity. Do you believe this? Martha answered him, „Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.


Do you believe this? This question gets asked by everyone of us. Do we believe in a life after death? In today’s modern time it is hard because many, as well as many Christians, can only believe what one can grasp, what you can see, touch and examine.

And the church has unfortunately contributed to make this belief in eternity sometimes even ridiculous in a certain way. The life after death was turned into kitsch and not without reason it is used again and again in advertising. The angels sitting on the clouds and humming Hallelujah. But is that what we believe in? Do we believe that life in paradise, life with God is only a continuation of this earthly life, now a land of milk and honey, but still what we imagine it to be. I think in the end everything is connected in our image of God. Is God the one who created heaven and earth? The one who sustains each and every one of us, every moment of our existence? Is he the almighty God who created this inexhaustibly large universe? Or is he just a kind of man, an old man with a white beard?

The deceased believed in God. She knew that we are all carried by his love. I also believe in God, but not in a God who sits somewhere and looks down on all the misery of people. But I believe in a God who permeates everything, whom we should not call the dear God, but the God who is love himself. And everywhere where this love is alive, where people face each other in love and appreciation, there it is God who meets us. And I believe in a God whose love is so great that he does not regard any of us somehow like an ant in an anthill, but a God who is very close to us. He became visible in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who lived among men. I believe in a God who continues this love. He cannot let any of us fall back into nothingness. We are all safe in his hand. When Jesus asks, „Do you believe this?“, he is saying that it is a matter of believing in a God who loves us beyond death and who has promised us a glory that we cannot comprehend. For heaven is not a land of milk and honey, but heaven consists in the fact that we may behold this incomprehensible loving God in all his glory face to face. St. Paul once said, „No eye has seen, no ear has heard, what God has prepared for those who love him.“ That’s the point. We have not seen it. We can’t grasp it. Even the most beautiful imaginings of heaven are only a smattering of what awaits us in eternity. Everyone who goes home to God precedes us. None of us will live forever. And we will all meet once in eternity with him. We are safe here on this earth in his hand. We have so little in our hands, if we are honest. We always only mean it. And we are safe when we die. We are safe in eternity with God in his love.

Let us rise and silently remember the deceased ones who lived among us and whom God took to himself.

In our sorrow, let us turn our gaze to God our only hope. The Lord forgives the guilt and saves our lives. Merciful and gracious is the Lord, longsuffering and rich in kindness. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so high is his mercy above those who fear him. As far as the rise is from the fall, so far does he remove us from our guilt. As a father has mercy on his children, so the Lord has mercy on all who fear him. For he knows what we are like. He thinks of it. We are but dust. Man’s days are like grass. Blossomed like the flower of the field, the wind drives over it, it is gone. The place where it stood knows no more of it. The grace of the Lord endures forever and ever over those who fear him. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As in the beginning, so now and forever. Forever and ever. Amen. The Lord forgives guilt and saves our lives. Kind Father, into your hands we commend your servant Rosalie and confidently hope that she is with Christ. We thank you for all the good you have given her in her honest life and for the good we have experienced through her. We ask you to receive her and give her a home with you. But to us who remain behind, give us the strength to comfort one another in the message of faith until we are all united with you. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.


In the water in the Holy Spirit, you were baptized. The Lord completed in you what he began at the baptism.

In the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ is resurrection and salvation. May peace be with you.

The Lord's Prayer

Let us prayer together as our lord has taught us to:

Our Father in heaven,

Hallowed be your name. 

Your kingdom come,

Your will be done

As in heaven, so on earth.

Give us today our daily bread.

And forgive us our sins,

As we forgive those who sin against us.

Lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours

Now and forever. Amen


Gracious god, your son has demeaned himself in suffering and thereby raised up the fallen world. He has overcome death and opened the gate to life. Bestow us and our sister Rosalie and all the ones who passed away with the joy to love and to praise without end through Christ our Lord.


Lord, give her and all the deceased eternal rest and the eternal light may illuminate you. Let them rest in peace.


She has chosen the song by Celine Dion. It is a song in which love plays a major role. The one true love and God himself who is the love, may lead her to this everlasting love. To paradise may you be accompanied by angels, the holy martyrs greet you and guide you to the sacred city Jerusalem. The angels’ choirs may receive you and through Christ, who sacrificed his life for you, eternal life may rejoice you.